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October 10 2021
Dear Friends,

The Way of the Sword-Worlds, by me and Mike Robertson, is now available in hardcover and in both the mobi and e-pub e-book format. The book is now for sale at the site's Book Store.
The Way of the Sword-Worlds is the prequel to H. Beam Piper's Space Viking novel and is the story of Otto Harkaman, and his loyal crewmates. Before Otto Harkaman joined up with Lucas Trask and became a famous Space Viking captain feared on hundreds of worlds, he was an ordinary trooper with big dreams but little to show for them. To achieve his dreams, to advance in status and to become someone that other Space Vikings would follow to riches and glory, Otto Harkaman had to learn the Way of the Sword Worlds.
And learn it he did! Otto Harkaman and his crew of Space Vikings stormed and raided more than a score of neo-Barbarian and semi-civilized worlds of the former Terran Federation. When Harkaman purchased the Corisande, they were on their way to become one of the most successful Space Viking crews in the Old Federation. But along the way, Otto and his crew faced off some dangerous opponents, such as Crown Prince Viktor of Xochitl, Fedrig Barragon, the Lord Protector and ruler of Dagon, and a flotilla of Gilgamesh ships intent upon destroying Otto's ship, even if it cost them their own!
Mike Robertson (my co-author on The Last Space Viking and Space Viking's Throne) and I had a great time writing this book. Otto Harkaman has long been one of our favorite Piper characters and it was fun to delve into his background and career as a Space Viking. This new Space Viking story chronicles Otto Harkaman's story, beginning with his early adventures as a Space Viking ground force commander up to when he joins up with Lucas Trask and aids him in his search for Andray Dunnan.
Wolfgang Diehr's new Fuzzy novel, Fuzzy Logic, has been delayed because the first two artists we engaged dropped the ball. Apparently, painting cute Fuzzies is a tougher job that we thought. Andrew Wu, the artist who did the cover for The Way of the Sword Worlds is now hard at work on the cover.
Down Styphon!
John F. Carr
November 14 2020
Dear Friends,

The Paratime Police Chronicles, Volume II: is now available for sale in both hardcover and in both the mobi and e-pub e-book formats. This new volume includes all three Piper Kalvan novellas: "Gunpowder God", "Down Styphon!" and the never before published "Hos-Hostigos", (the Kalvan novella that John W. Campbell sent back to Piper's agent and was then lost). A carbon copy of the "Lost Kalvan Novella" was later discovered by Mike Knerr in Piper's Trunk, the same one that contained the missing third Fuzzy novel, Fuzzies and Other People.
The new Paratime book will also include all of my own Kalvan shorter works, "Kalvan Kingmaker" and "Siege at Tarr-Hostigos", along with three new and never before published Paratime stories: "The Alexander Affair", "The Sea of Grass"
(a Kalvan's Time-Line story) and "The Wizard Trader War".
"The Wizard Trader War": is the story that answers the questions raised in Gunpowder God and Down Styphon! about why Verkan Vall, the Paratime Police and the Kalvan Study Teams suddenly vacated Kalvan's Time-Line, as well as where they have gone and what they are up to. In this new story the Home Time Line civilization faces its greatest threat since the Mystic Wars! Will 10,000 years of civilization and the plundering of lower level time-lines come to an end due to the evil machinations of a madman?
"The Wizard Trader War" story will be of special interest to all the Kalvan and Paratime fans who wondered what happened to Verkan Vall and why he and most of the other Paratimers left Greffa and Kalvan's Time-Line so suddenly.
Mike Robertson (my co-author on The Last Space Viking and Space Viking's Throne) and I have just finished The Way of the Sword-Worlds. This new Space Viking book will chronicle Otto Harkaman's story, beginning with his early adventures as a Space Viking ground force commander up to when he joins up with Lucas Trask and aids him in his search for Andray Dunnan and beyond. We plan to publish this book in 2021.
After waiting in vain for 3 years to hear from Baen Books as to whether or not they ever plan to publish, Space Vikings' Return, I have pulled the book. Since Space Vikings' Return takes place after The Way of the Sword-Worlds; it will be published after the earlier volume has been released.
Wolfgang Diehr is the final stages of finishing his latest Fuzzy novel which we hope to release next year. And there is a new War World book, Andromeda Flight, by Doug McElwain that will be coming out early next year.
Down Styphon!
John F. Carr
June 1 2020
Dear Friends,

The Paratime Police Chronicles, Volume II: is now available for pre-order and will be published this fall. This new volume will include the original three Piper Kalvan novellas: "Gunpowder God", "Down Styphon!" and the never before published "Hos-Hostigos", (the Kalvan novella that John W. Campbell sent back to Piper's agent and then got lost). The book will also include all my own Kalvan shorter works, "Kalvan Kingmaker" and "Siege at Tarr-Hostigos", along with three new and never before published Paratime stories: "The Alexander Affair", "The Sea of Grass" (a Kalvan's Time-Line story) and "The Wizard Trader War".
"The Wizard Trader War:" is the story that answers the questions raised in Gunpowder God and Down Styphon! about why Verkan Vall, the Paratime Police and the Kalvan Study Teams suddenly vacated Kalvan's Time-Line, as well as where they have gone and what they are up to. In this new story the Home Time Line civilization faces its greatest threat since the Mystic Wars! Will 10,000 years of civilization and the plundering of lower level time-lines come to an end due to the evil machinations of a madman?
You can pre-order copies of the hardcover edition for $40.00 ($33.00 plus $7.00 Priority Mail) for The Paratime Police Chronicles, Vol. II. Send checks or money orders to Pequod Press, P.O. Box 80, Boalsburg, PA 16827 or send a PayPal payment to
"The Wizard Trader War" story will be of special interest to all the Kalvan and Paratime fans who wondered what happened to Verkan Vall and why he and most of the other Paratimers left Greffa and Kalvan's Time-Line so suddenly.
FYI: Amazon has recently gotten very tough on reprinting Public Domain works appearing in Kindle books, so none of Piper's stories will appear in either edition of Paratime Police Chronicles I & II sold on Amazon. The made for Amazon editions will only include my own stories and will have different titles: Volume I was retitled Paratime Parasites to meet Amazon's new requirements. Volume II will be entitled, Paratime Wars for the same reason. So if you want the Piper Kalvan stories that included in this volume, you will only be able to find them in the hardcover and e-book editions available from the Hostigos and Pequod Press website stores.
I'm still waiting (now going on two and a half years and counting!) to hear from Baen Books as to whether or not they ever plan to publish, "Space Vikings' Return". I won't even begin to tell you just how unhappy I am about this situation...
But, now for some good news: I am currently working with Mike Robertson (my co-author on The Last Space Viking and Space Viking's Throne) on a new Space Viking adventure novel featuring Otto Harkaman. The new book is entitled "The Way of the Sword-Worlds". It will tell the Otto Harkaman story, beginning with his early adventures as a Space Viking ground force commander up to when he joins up with Lucas Trask and aids him in his search for Andray Dunnan and beyond.
War World: The Fall of the CoDominium, chronicling the final years of the US/USSR mutant government, was published late last year and is now available in both hardcover and electronic editions.
Finally, Wolfgang Diehr is the final stages of finishing his latest Fuzzy novel which we hope to release next year.
Down Styphon!
John F. Carr